Please note, Schedule is subject to change. Updated 3/20/2025
Dairy and Market Youth Goat Camps Schedule (coming soon)
Dairy and Boer Goat Fitting and Showmanship Clinics for Adults (15 years old & up). Market Youth Fitting has been added along with a Youth Fitting Contest on Friday! Click Here to read more
Lincoln University Master Class Schedule (Coming Soon)
Value Added Vendor Days Speakers and Demos Schedule (coming soon)
Master Schedule 2025 (printable)
Sponsor the events at Goat Expo: Click Here

GOAT EXPO 2025 MASTER SCHEDULE: MAY 28-31st (tentative schedule and subject to change) 3/20
Missouri State Fairgrounds, Sedalia, Missouri
Move in through ending event dates: May 27–31, 2025
Location: Swine Pavilion_____________________________
Tuesday, May 27: Staff & Intern Arrival / Youth Goat Camp Check-In
1:00 PM
Staff arrives – Begin set up
Interns arrive
3:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Youth Goat Camp Check-In (Absolutely NO check-ins before 3 PM)
Wednesday, May 28:
Swine Pavilion_____________________________
8:00 AM
Market and Dairy Youth Goat Camp Sign-In, Scavenger Hunt Sheets available
Youth Goat Silent Auction Begins
8:30 AM
It’s Fitting with Ruthie Green – Dairy Fitting and Showmanship
9:00 AM
Market and Dairy Youth Goat Camps Begin
It’s Fitting with Ruthie Green
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Lunch Break
1:00 PM
Youth Goat Camp Resumes
Dairy Adult Fitting Class Resumes
3:00 PM
Scavenger Hunt Sheets Turned In
Costume Contest
Obstacle Course Begins (this is done at leisure)
4:00 PM
Break for feeding
5:00 PM
Pizza Dinner for Youth Goat Campers
5:30 PM
Goat Trivia Contest (Dairy, Market, and Fiber Questions)
6:45 PM
Corn Hole Competition Sign up and Check-in
7:00 PM
Obstacle Course Ends
Corn Hole Competition begins (Fundraiser to Goat Pavilion, Fair Foundation)
ONLINE: Midwest Buck Sale begins: 3:00 PM
Thursday, May 29:
Swine Pavilion_____________________________
8:30 AM
Youth Goat Camps Check-In, Day 2
It’s Fitting with Kelly Edwards – Check In
9:00 AM
Youth Goat Camp Day 2 Begins
It’s Fitting with Kelly Edwards – Boer Goat Fitting and Showmanship
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Lunch Break
1:00 PM
Youth Goat Camps Resume
It’s Fitting w/Kelly Resumes
2:00 PM
It’s Fitting w/Kelly ends (activities continue in the FFA building w/Anton Ward
3:00 PM
Fitting Competition for Campers (Dairy and Market)
Check-In Shows Begins
ABGA Consecutive Sanctioned Boer Goat Shows A&B
Boer Goat Congress
Youth Dairy Fun
Youth Wether-Rama and Anything Does
Open Doe-Rama and Wether or Not Bucks
4:00 PM
Special Youth Goat Camp Awards (Dairy and Market – Tentative)
6:00 PM
Check-In for all Shows Ends for the evening
6:30 PM
ABGA Sanctioned Shows Begin, Spirit of Missouri – A & B
FFA Building_____________________________
10:00 AM
Vendor Set Up Begins
2:00 PM
Parlor Pal Presentation – Anton Ward
2:45 PM
Boer Goat Course – Anton Ward and Rico Zaldivar
5:00 PM
Exhibitor/Attendees Meet & Greet begins
6:00 PM
Paint & Pop Fundraiser (supplies included) $15. Donation
7:00 PM
Fiber Fun & Felting ($5.00 for material cost) and Making Soap with Julia
Vendor Set up Ends
Friday, May 30:
Swine Pavilion_____________________________
8:00 AM
Check In Youth Goat Camps (Market and Dairy)
Practice for Final Showmanship Competition (not mandatory)
8:30 AM
Dairy Fun Show Check-In
9:00 AM
Final Showmanship Competition Begins – Dairy and Market Youth Goat Camps
10:00 AM
Check-In Shows Begins
Wether-Rama (Market Wethers)
Anything Does (Breeding Does)
Doe-Rama (Wether Dams)
Wether or Not (Wether Bucks)
11:30 AM to Noon
Dairy Fun Show Begins – Dairy Wethers followed by Junior and Senior Dairy Does
Noon to 1:00 PM
Lunch for Market and Dairy Youth Goat Campers
1:00 PM
It’s Fitting with Calli Berwald – Market Wether and Doe Fitting Class (youth and adult)
Youth Fitting Competition to follow – Judge Calli Berwald
4:00 PM
Youth Goat Camp Silent Auction Ends
Pick up silent auction items
Boer Goat Congress Check-In
Silent Auction #2 Fundraiser for Goat Pavilion – Fair Foundation Begins
5:00 PM
Weight Cards for all evening shows DUE
5:30 PM
Evening Shows Posted at Swine Pavilion Office and online (
6:00 PM
Wether-Rama (Market Wethers)
Followed by:
Anything Does (Breeding Does)
Followed by:
Doe-Rama (Wether Dams)
Followed by:
Wether or Not (Wether Bucks)
Check in for all shows on Saturday ends for the evening
FFA Building______________________________
8:30 AM
Lincoln University Master Classes – Reproduction Day Check-In
9:00 AM
Vendors Open
9:30 AM
Lincoln University Mater Class – Begins
4:00 PM
Vendors Close
5:00 PM
Goat Goodness Dinner Serving Begins Sponsored by ParlorPal
6:30 PM
Goat Goodness Serving Ends (or when food runs out)
7:00 PM
Corn Hole Championship (Fund Raiser for Goat Pavilion, Fair Foundation)
Sheep Pavilion______________________________
Time to be announced: Check-In for Myotonic Show
5:00 PM
Show Me Classic Myotonic Show #1
Saturday, May 31:
Swine Pavilion_____________________________
8:00 AM
Last minute: Boer Goat Congress Check-In
8:30 AM
Boer Goat Congress Begins
Noon – 1:00 PM
1:00 PM
Boer Goat Congress Resumes
2:00 PM
Check-In: The Saturday Night Boer Goat Show
3:00 PM
Silent Auction #2 Ends Fundraiser for the Goat Pavilion and the Missouri State Fair Foundation
4:00 PM
Boer Goat Show Check-In Ends
5:00 PM
The Saturday Night Boer Goat Show – Judge: Jason Brashears, Kentucky
FFA Building_____________________________
Lincoln University: Meat Cutting Demo/Ultrasound Loin Eye
Demos Begin:
Soap Making: Julia Lutz
Cheese Making: Michelle Schnapp
Fiber Examples:
Drop Spindle: Dorothy McClure
9:00 AM
Vendors Open
9:30 AM
Soap Making with Julia Lutz
10:30 AM
Marilyn Smith, Fiber Artist – Spinning, Weaving, Garment Making
Michelle Schnapp – Cheese making Demo (free cheese samples)
Meat Cutting Demo – Lincoln University
1:00 PM
Lunch – Goat Meat from Butchering Demo
1:00 PM
Cashmere Goat Association – Dorothy McClure and David
Topic: Cashmere Goat & Types of Goat Fiber
2:00 PM
Ultrasound Loin Eye – Lincoln University
2:00 PM
4:00 PM
Vendors Close and depart
Sheep Pavilion_____________________________
8:00 AM
Show Me Classic Myotonic Show #2
3:00 PM
5:00 PM (time tentative)
Show Me Classic Myotonic Show #3
3:00 PM
Additional Notes Professional Photographer: Winners are required to get their photos taken at the backdrop. Photos will be available online at
Winners agree their photos may be used for advertising purposes.
June 1 (Sunday): No forklift available to load. Pavilions must be vacated by 9:00 AM
Sponsors & Vendors: Logos will be included in the workbook. Deadline: April 15
Midwest Buck Sale: Contact Evie Gates (918) 944-3067
Auction: Live ONLINE ONLY Midwest Buck Sale may be viewed at
This Master Schedule is organized, professional, and includes all the events and activities for the Goat Expo 2025. It’s designed to be easy to follow for attendees, sponsors, and vendors.
If you have any questions, please email us at or
Call: (918) 944-3066 or (918) 944-3067
Midwest Buck Sale ONLINE ONLY: Beginning May 28, 3:00 pm and ending May 31st, 3:00 pm. Enter
All Rights Reserved: Midwest Buck Sale and Goat Expo 2018-2025
HOLD HARMLESS WHEN ENTERING THE MIDWEST BUCK SALE AND EVENTS. Each exhibitor, attendee, consignor, or vendor will be solely responsible for any consequential loss, injury or damage done to or occasioned by, or arising from any animal or article exhibited or for sale by him, and shall hold harmless Midwest Buck Sale, LLC, against any and all liability in regard thereto. Midwest Buck Sale, LLC will take reasonable care to ensure the safety of exhibits and property, but the owner must take the risk of exhibiting. In no case will Midwest Buck Sale, LLC be responsible for any loss, damage or injury to property or persons while on the Missouri State fairgrounds, or at any other time or place, nor be liable or required to make any payment for damage, loss or injury. All that enter any event or sign up for anything related to the Midwest Buck Sale, agree: “I have read the contract and agree to abide by all Midwest Buck Sale rules and regulations as witnessed by entering the events May 28-May 31, 2025.