Goat Expo



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Youth Goat Camps

1 min read

What to bring to camp. Questions, info@goatexpo

General Rules and what to bring: Click Here

Youth Goat Camp: Market & Dairy
Camp Goal: This a (full) two-day camp and is intended to provide a hands-on experience, giving participants. The third day is the final showmanship competition.
Each child has an opportunity to work with their project, learning the tools they need to feel confident in the arena. Showmanship is the primary focus of the camp. The youth in attendance will learn other husbandry and selection/score card techniques. Each youth will receive a workbook with a variety of important information.
Campers are divided into age groups. Junior, Intermediate, and Senior. We do adjust for ability and experience.
The Final Showmanship Competition will be on Friday morning, beginning at 8:00 am for a quick tune up and competition begins with Seniors at 9:00 am sharp.
Goats: Two goats – broke to lead (preferably a doe & a wether) If a child only has one goat, that is fine.
All stock must have a current health certificate from a licensed veterinarian, within 30 days of the event.
NO DOGS. Please leave your dogs at home. Personal assistant dogs should not be brought near the arena while children are practicing or showing. Pease keep dogs in a pen, in a personal cage, or your trailer. Out of sight while children are in the arena or showing/practicing.
Equipment: You will need to bring along the following items – (bring what you have)
Trimming Stand
Electric Clippers
Hoof Trimmers
Feed and Feeders/Feed Pans
Water buckets
Grooming supplies – shampoo, etc.

Shavings for pens. No other bedding allowed. Please clean your pens when you depart. Wheelbarrow and shovel at the office. A $10.00 fee may be paid to have your pen cleaned prior to leaving.
Date: May 28-30th, 2025
Place: Missouri State Fairgrounds, Sedalia, Missouri
Time: Camp will run from 9:00 am to 3 0r 4pm Wednesday and Thursday, and Friday, 8am to Noon. Pen cleaning and departure prior to 2pm unless staying for the dairy fun show and market & breeding shows.
The barn will be open 4:00-9:00pm on Tuesday, May 27th, to check in and unload animals.
Please check the maps on the website for the check in area. Do not unload goats or tack prior to check in.
Youth must sign in each morning. Sign up sheets for other activities are available at that time.
Lunch is noon-1pm Wednesday – Friday.
Workbooks are picked up at check in.
Bring your showmanship clothes.
Dairy may where whites, but youth are not required to wear white, if they do not have it.
Please check the schedule for other events and youth activities.

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