Parents must print and sign this form and return it to info@goatexpo
Market and Dairy Youth Goat Camp print and sign rules: CLICK HERE
Ages for camp: 8 – 18 years old, day of camp.
Each child must be pre-entered for camp.
Payment must be received prior to the deadline: May 1 of the current year camp is attended.
Payment may be made online, through the payment system, or mailed to PO Box 331, Vinita, OK 74301
Pens are not included in the camp fee. Please add the pen fee for your stock and tack at check out.
Each child must always have a legal parent or guardian on site. You may not drop off your child. Parent or Guardian’s name must be on application with contact phone number. Children brought by other parents, that are ‘friends’, must have an application signed by the legal parent or guardian to attend. No exceptions. We must have a signed application by the legal parent or guardian that another parent is responsible for that child. Camp instructors will not be “guardians” for any child in attendance.
Children may not sleep in the pavilion without their respective parent or guardian present at all times. No exceptions.
Campers are divided into age groups. Junior, Intermediate, and Senior. We do adjust for ability and experience.
The food provided for the Youth Goat Camp attendees is for the children in the camp. If siblings are attending, please prepare to purchase food for your other children, or enter them in the camp. Food is not included for the parents. There is a restaurant on the grounds where parents and siblings may eat. Please let us know of any special dietary needs your child has. We will have an option for those children. Always feel free to bring food for your child if needed.
The Final Showmanship Competition will be on Friday morning, beginning at 8:00 am for a quick tune-up and the competition begins with Seniors at 9:00 am sharp.
Final Showmanship attire: long pants, clean and wrinkle free. Hard sole shoes, color is up to exhibitor. No sneakers. Button down shirt, it may be short sleeved. Pullover polo with collar. No T-shirts. Look your very best. Whites for dairy are not required, but if you have them, please wear them.
Equipment to groom your goats: Stands, blowers, clippers, blades, brushes, miscellaneous supplies.
Feed and feeding supplies: buckets, pans, feed that you feed your goats every day. Each child is responsible for their goat even if one is provided for them at the camp.
SHAVINGS FOR BEDDING ONLY. No straw or hay may be used for bedding. Local farm stores will have shavings. We will no longer have shavings available for purchase at the event.
Please keep your tack pens clean. If hay is stored in a tack pen, be sure it is not scattered about in the pen. Keep the bale tied or use a feed bag to store it.
All pens must be cleaned upon departure after the final showmanship. If you would like to pay someone to clean your pens upon departure, please see us at the office.
Bring tools to clean your pens, shovel and wheelbarrow. If you do not have a shovel and wheelbarrow, there will be one available. After use, please put it back where you got it.
All shavings and waste must go to the edge of the drop off where the concrete is on the north side of the pavilion. PLEASE DO NOT DUMP IT ON THE GRASS. Be sure it is on the concrete area at the edge of the pavilion.
Youth may bring wethers and does for competition, NO BUCKS. If your child does not have a goat, please let us know and we can provide one for them. Pens are 7’X8’ (vertical bars) and 5’X5’ (wire panels). PENS WILL BE ASIGNED PRIOR TO ARRIVAL. If you have a special penning request, please use the notes area when entering.
Identification of goats: All must be properly identified by a scrapie tag, tattoos and registration certificates, or microchip, (owners must provide a reader).
HEALTH PAPERS ARE REQUIRED: All Veterinary inspection, health certificates, (certificates of veterinary inspection), must be from the originating state. They may be from within a 30-days. Paperwork must reflect coming onto the Missouri State Fairgrounds: 2503 W. 16th St., Sedalia, MO 65301.
All goats must be checked in on Tuesday evening 4-8pm. If you have extenuating circumstances, please let us know. There is no stock check in on Wednesday morning before camp.
Designated parking for vehicles and trailers is the gravel parking lot on the south side of the pavilion. Vehicles must be parked away from the pavilion so others may unload/load. Do not leave your vehicle parked next to the pavilion.
Youth Goat Camp T Shirts are required to be worn on the first day. Children are not required to wear them after that. They may wear them again if they’d like to.
All Youth Goat Camp attendees must be part of the group photo taken with the Missouri State Fair Foundation Executive director on the first day of camp, in their camp t shirts, with the banner.
WINNERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE THEIR INDIVIDUAL and GROUP PHOTO TAKEN: Special camp banner winners, each division champion in their respective age division, grand, reserve, and third overall.
Youth Goat Camp instructors and Goat Expo staff are not responsible for your children at any time. Upon entering the Youth Goat Camps, parents and guardians agree that no one other than the parent or guardian is responsible for the child in attendance.
Each activity during the camp is available for every child that has a paid entry, to take part in. We will not exclude a child from experiencing every aspect of the camp. If there are activities, they do not want to take part in, that is okay. There are several options for the children.
Unruly children will be asked to behave by the Youth Goat Camp Instructors and Goat Expo staff. We have an expectation of consideration for others, politeness, and overall good behavior. We understand that children like to play but misbehaving and cruelty have no place at the Youth Goat Camp.
Parents may watch their child(ren) during the camp, but we ask that the parent/guardian find another activity at the grounds to remain busy. We ask this because sometimes children focus on the parent rather than the instructor during practice time. Goat Expo has a variety of activities for adults during the Youth Goat Camp each day. Check for everything in the Master Schedule during the week.
Parents will have an opportunity to participate in youth activities with their child(ren) and learn more about the process of selection, preparation, and presentation in showmanship.
NO LOOSE DOGS. If the circumstances dictate that a parent must bring a family dog, the dog must be contained in a pen. Must always be on a leash, if out of the pen, and when walked, must be outside of the pavilion and not around the goats in the barn. If your goats are used to your dog, that is okay, but other goats will not be. Strange dogs could cause problems for other youth in attendance. Please be respectful and keep your dog out of sight.
Parents may not coach their kids over the rail at any time. We try to provide a real-life situation for each child. We understand that parents want to help. If a parent would like to help, we can find something for you to do. We welcome all help from parents. Please let Goat Expo staff know you’d like to help. We welcome that assistance.
General daily schedule:
8:30 am check in
9:00 am camp day begins
Noon-1:00 pm lunch daily
Camp day ends about 4:00 pm each day and goes into other evening activities
Wednesday 5:00 pm Dinner for Campers before Goat Trivia Contest.
Schedule will be posted prior to the event. It will include specific times for each activity during the day. Please keep in mind that although a schedule is created and posted, some of the extra activities start times may change. What does not change is the check-in time, daily start time, lunch time, and time for the Final Showmanship, on Friday at 9:00 am. Camp ends before 1pm on Friday and all pens must be cleaned by 2:00 pm, if departing on Friday.
PARENTS will treat all staff with respect. Loud outbursts and verbally attacking staff will not be tolerated.
PLEASE ask all questions for clarification. Staff are available to always help each child and parent. All questions are important. We want each child to feel comfortable during camp and we strive to help them understand the process and reason why in showing in their respective breed.
Parents must agree to terms:
Parent or Guardian Name: ____________________________________________
Child(ren) in attendance: ____________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
City: _____________________State: _____________________Zip code: _______
Phone: ___________________ Email: ________________________
Food allergies, if any: _________________________________________________
Liability: Each exhibitor, owner, consigner, or other individual or entity, participating in any aspect of the Youth Goat Camp and Goat Expo, including without limitation, livestock entrants and individuals, including any of their heirs, dependents, assigns, agents, or representatives in any capacity, hereby waves all rights and claims for damages, and do hereby agree to release, hold harmless, and unconditionally indemnify the Youth Goat Camp/Goat Expo, co- producers, sponsors, any officials, employees, volunteers, and others involved, thereof, from and against all liability cost, expenses, claims of damages, even if caused by the alleged negligence or gross negligence of the event Youth Goat Camp, Midwest Buck Sale, LLC shows and sales, which the event and livestock show participant, may at any time suffer or sustain, or become liable for, by reason of any accidents, damages, injuries, or incidents, either to the person or property, or both, or a Youth Goat Camp/Goat Expo participant.
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: ______________________________
I am bringing child(ren) that are not mine and I agree to be fully responsible for them:
Youth Goat Camp: Market & Dairy
Camp Goal: This a (full) two-day camp and is intended to provide a hands-on experience, giving participants. The third day is the final showmanship competition.
Each child has an opportunity to work with their project, learning the tools they need to feel confident in the arena. Showmanship is the primary focus of the camp. The youth in attendance will learn other husbandry and selection/score card techniques. Each youth will receive a workbook with a variey of important information.
Campers are divided into age groups. Junior, Intermediate, and Senior. We do adjust for ability and experience.
The Final Showmanship Competition will be on Friday morning, beginning at 8:00 am for a quick tune up and competition begins with Seniors at 9:00 am sharp.
Goats: Two goats – broke to lead (preferably a doe & a wether) If a child only has one goat, that is fine.
All stock must have a current health certificate from a licensed veterinarian, within 30 days of the event.
NO DOGS. Please leave your dogs at home. Personal assistant dogs should not be brought near the arena while children are practicing or showing. Pease keep dogs in a pen, in a personal cage, or your trailer. Out of sight while children are in the arena or showing/practicing.
Equipment: You will need to bring along the following items – (bring what you have)
Trimming Stand
Electric Clippers
Hoof Trimmers
Feed and Feeders/Feed Pans
Water buckets
Grooming supplies – shampoo, etc.
Shavings for pens. No other bedding allowed. Please clean your pens when you depart. Wheelbarrow and shovel at the office. A $10.00 fee may be paid to have your pen cleaned prior to leaving.
Date: May 28-30th, 2025
Place: Missouri State Fairgrounds, Sedalia, Missouri
Time: Camp will run from 9:00 am to 3 0r 4pm Wednesday and Thursday, and Friday, 8am to Noon. Pen cleaning and departure prior to 2pm unless staying for the dairy fun show and market & breeding shows.
The barn will be open 4:00-9:00pm on Tuesday, May 27th, to check in and unload animals.
Please check the maps on the website for the check in area. Do not unload goats or tack prior to check in.
Youth must sign in each morning. Sign up sheets for other activities are available at that time.
Lunch is noon-1pm Wednesday – Friday.
Workbooks are picked up at check in.
Bring your showmanship clothes.
Dairy may where whites, but youth are not required to wear white, if they do not have it.
Please check the schedule for other events and youth activities.