In 2025 we have several “It’s Fitting” Clinics. These are wonderful opportunities to learn more about how to groom and present your goat stock in Dairy, Boer Goats, and Market Wethers and Does.
These opportunities are available based upon the clinic instructors rates for their services.
It’s Fitting & Showmanship:
Dairy Goat Fitting, Showmanship, & Husbandry (15 years old & up) with Ruthie Green : $60 per person and $10 per pen.
Boer Goat Show Fitting, Showmanship, & Boer Goat Selection (15 years old & up) with Kelly Edwards: $140. this includes your pen.
Market Wether & Doe Fitting & Preparation with Calli Berwald, she will teach hair prep & twining, use of products, (all ages, youth and adult): $45 and includes entry in the Youth It’s Fitting Competition afterwards.
2 person teams for the It’s Fitting Competition with Calli Berwald, Champion winners will receive a It’s Fitting Clipping Bag with goodies, from Goat Expo! (Youth ages 5-19 may enter online) If you were in the fitting clinic with Calli, there is no entry fee. Any youth may enter the competition and the entry fee is $15 per person.
Please enter: Click Here
Those that enter the clinics with Ruthie and Kelly will receive a ticket for a drawing to win a “It’s Fitting” clipping bag with goodies from Goat Expo!

Sponsors for It’s Fitting:

Rodney Wilson, Jr.: 302-727-3720

Evie Gates: 918-944-3067

Market Wether & Does

Boer Show Goats