Rules for JABGA Sanction Shows PRINTABLE COPY
- Exhibitors must be in accordance of the JABGA bylaws in terms of age and be an active member of the Junior American Boer Goat Association. Must present Current JABGA Membership card at check‐in. Copies or digital copies of cards are acceptable.
- If the child is present and physically able, they must show their own animal unless they have multiple entries in one class; then they must have another JABGA member to show the animal for them. If not enough JABGA members are present, any youth 18 and under as of January 1 of current year may fill in.
- If the child is physically unable or not present due to specific circumstances approved by Youth Committee or involving death in the family, family emergencies, or religious reasons, they must have a JABGA member show for them, and it must be reported to the ABGA Youth Coordinator before the goats arrive at the show.
- JABGA members under the age of twelve (12), as of January 1, or members with physical or mental disabilities are allowed to have a heeler in the class, but the member must help in the presentation of the animal. The heeler must present current membership card upon entering the ring.
- All goats must be registered in the JABGA member’s name only. No ranch or family name can be listed in the owner section of the certificate. Any goat that is transferred to a Junior exhibitors name for showing at a JABGA Sanction show cannot be transferred back to the seller and/or seller’s agent for a period of 1 year.
- Showmanship is not required but highly recommended. ABGA will not provide ribbons or awards. The following age breaks are suggested for sanctioned shows. Age for showmanship for regular sanction shows is determined on the day of the show.
A. Junior Division (4‐8 years of age)
B. Intermediate Division (9‐13 years of age)
C. Senior Division (14 years & older)
Rev. 02/2022 - Exhibitors entering showmanship must use a goat that is registered in his/her name and entered in the JABGA show.
- If the JABGA member has a goat entered in the JABGA show, goats in sibling’s/step- sibling’s names may not be used for showmanship purposes.
- Participants that do not have an animal entered any JABGA competition may borrow an animal for showmanship purposes only. That selected animal can only be used by one exhibitor during the competition and cannot be exhibited by multiple participants.
- All show results received by the JABGA will be final.
- All ABGA rules, breed standards, classes, judges, and entries apply. Please note the new ABGA no Alcohol Policy. All JABGA Sanctioned shows are required to have a BRED AND OWNED CLASS. One class each for the PERCENTAGE DOES, FULLBLOOD DOES AND FULLBLOOD BUCKS. All ages will compete in one class.
- The JABGA reserves the right to not sanction and/or to not tabulate placing’s for
points submitted by a show or not yet submitted by a show that didn’t follow the ABGA rules, breed standards, classes, judges, and entries. - The JABGA strongly suggest that JABGA members own and care for his/her own goats. Directors and members of the JABGA discourage unethical ownership and care.
- Exhibitors and parents should always conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner. Infractions of this rule may cause immediate termination of membership by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
- Judges for JABGA sanction shows are required to be an ABGA Approved Judge. Judge’s names should be published thirty (30) days prior to the show
- Drug Testing & Cheating
a. Drug testing cannot be refused if the show deems necessary.
b. All JABGA and ABGA Sanction show rules must be followed. Responsibilities of Host Show.
Please contact the ABGA office, 325-486-2242 or, for more information.